Tuesday, December 21, 2010


4 days till Christmas, it's getting closer and closer!!!

The snow is getting heavier and heavier, airports closing, roads blocked.

I can't drive, so it doesn't affect me but it affects my family who can drive. Ahh so many car crashes *sigh*




Monday, December 20, 2010


So Christmas time is nearly here, the sales have started, the long queues, the empty purse.

Twas a long 30 minute queue in Primark for a jacket, (which I had to return the next day because the tags were wrong -_-)

Thank god I finally finished all my Christmas shopping. Now I can finally put my feet up and stay nice and warm indoors, instead of waiting around outside in -4 degrees.

So here it is my first post, what do you think? J

Be x (Be – Becky Eaton )